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Dog-Friendly Maple Ridge Application

The tourism and economic development team at the City of Maple Ridge, in partnership with the Downtown BIA and the Chamber of Commerce serving Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows, is launching “Dog-Friendly Maple Ridge,” a new marketing program aimed at promoting businesses that have adopted dog-friendly practices that allow customers the option to shop, dine and safely socialize with their bubble and a well-behaved pup at their side.
Please provide the following information:
Please check your business type *
Dog-Friendly Maple Ridge Participant Guide
If you have not already done so, you can copy and paste the link below into your web browser to view the Dog Friendly Maple Ridge Participant Guide.
Submission *
We will be in touch soon with more details.
For more information about Dog Friendly Maple Ridge,
visit: or email Kathryn Baird, Tourism Coordinator: