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Pitt Meadows Council Calls for Increased Provincial Investments on Agriculture

Pitt Meadows Council Calls for Increased Provincial Investments on Agriculture

Pitt Meadows Council Calls for Increased Provincial Investments on Agriculture

PITT MEADOWS, B.C. – At the Public Council Meeting on February 25, Pitt Meadows City Council endorsed a resolution to call on the Government of British Columbia to increase funding for agriculture in the province. This resolution will be brought to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA) for endorsement for the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) 2025 Convention in the fall, and if passed, it will be forwarded to the provincial government for consideration.

“B.C.’s agriculture sector is the backbone of our local economy and food security, yet it receives the lowest level of provincial funding in Canada relative to its contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP),” says Mayor Nicole MacDonald. “Increasing investment in agriculture is imperative to ensure the long-term sustainability of our farms, food producers, and rural communities. By aligning funding with the national average, the Province can demonstrate its commitment to a resilient, thriving agricultural sector that supports families, businesses, and food security for all British Columbians.”

According to the B.C. Agricultural Council’s (BCAC) BC Agriculture Sector Strategic Priorities, B.C.’s five-year average of public spending on agriculture was approximately 2.5 per cent—the lowest of all provinces and well below the Canadian historical average of 12 per cent. An increase in provincial agricultural funding could be invested in much needed programs and support, such as:

·        Regional water sustainability plans, agricultural water reserves, and upgrades to water infrastructure storage to help alleviate the increasing water shortages brought on by climate change;

·        Emergency management programs and training for agricultural liaisons during emergency events, which are becoming more frequent due to climate change;

·        Programs to provide immediate economic relief for producers who have experienced adverse climate and emergency events;

·        Incentives, funding programs and tax exemptions to enhance the viability of the agricultural sector;

·        Programs for wage subsidies for farm workers to ensure a stable labour force; and

·        Additional Ministry staffing to support the above-mentioned programs and improve much needed regulatory enforcement.

"The City is proud to move this resolution forward with the unanimous support of City Council and the Agricultural Advisory Committee," says Chief Administrative Officer Mark Roberts. "Pitt Meadows is leading the way in agricultural advocacy efforts in B.C. and remains steadfast in pursuing the priorities outlined in the City’s Agricultural Viability Strategy. Addressing the investment gap in our province would help level the playing field for local producers and ensure they can continue to thrive in our community."

The City was successful in advancing three advocacy-related resolutions to the 2024 UBCM Convention calling on the Government of British Columbia to reform the farm property tax system to better support agricultural viability. This latest resolution will be brought to the LGLMA Annual Conference and AGM in April for endorsement.

To learn more about the Agricultural Viability Strategy and the actions taken to date, visit



Agriculture is a focus area in the City’s five-year strategic plan, and is supported by the priorities outlined in our award-winning Agricultural Viability Strategy. Below is a list of recent and ongoing initiatives the City is undertaking to support and advocate for the agricultural community.

·        Advocacy and Education: The City was successful in getting two resolutions endorsed by UBCM in 2024, including NR76 – School Tax Exemption and NR77 – Unfarmed Land Tax, with a third resolution (NR92 – Minimum Income Requirements for Farm Classification) referred to UBCM Executive for their consideration, due to time constraints. Additionally, the City is developing dike signage for public education on farming.

·        Agricultural Viability Strategy: The City completed the Agricultural Viability Strategy and the implementation of associated recommendations. We are currently seeking feedback to check in on the progress of the strategy until February 28, 2025 at

·        Agri-Tourism Promotion: The City is partnering with other municipalities for Destination BC funding. We are collaborating on local news coverage of local agri-tourism opportunities.

·        Climate Action Strategy: The City is addressing climate change impacts on agriculture. We are developing a Climate Action Strategy as a guide for Pitt Meadows to build a resilient and sustainable future for our community.

·        Emergency Response Planning: We are working with the Province to integrate agriculture into emergency response.

·        Invasive Species Management Plan: The City is developing a plan to address invasive species affecting drainage in Pitt Meadows ditches.

·        Irrigation and Drainage Study: We are updating the City’s drainage model, collecting data, assessing water needs and exploring feasible irrigation options.

·        Subdivision Bylaw Update: The City is reviewing our rural road network to minimize farming disruptions.

·        Water Licensing Advocacy: We are engaging with the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship to streamline the water licensing process.



For more information please contact:
Tia O’Grady
Manager of Communications and Civic Engagement
City of Pitt Meadows

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