Mayor and Council Applaud BC Government’s Amendments to Decriminalization Policy
Mayor and Council Applaud BC Government’s Amendments to Decriminalization Policy

Mayor and Council are pleased about the BC government's recent decriminalization policy amendments. These amendments, which prohibit the possession of illicit drugs within 15 metres of any play structure in a playground, a spray park or wading pool, or a skate park, align seamlessly with the City's newly enacted Parks and Community Facilities Regulations Bylaw.
"We are grateful that the Province of BC is listening to local governments and helping to ensure that children and families feel safe in their community,” says Mayor Nicole MacDonald. “Our City was proactive in not permitting these activities in our outdoor spaces, and we commend the provincial government for taking this important step."
The City of Pitt Meadows Parks and Community Facilities Regulations Bylaw No. 2954, 2023, which was adopted in July 2023, prohibits park users from possessing or consuming alcohol, cannabis, or any substances listed in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act within parks and community facilities. The amendments to the Province of BC’s decriminalization policy will provide enhanced legal authority to enforce these rules.
"Everyone should feel safe in their community, especially in recreational areas where families and individuals gather,” says Chief Administrative Officer Mark Roberts. “The alignment between our Parks and Community Facility Regulations Bylaw and the BC government's amendments reinforces our commitment to creating welcoming outdoor spaces."
For more information on the BC Government’s amendments to the Decriminalization Policy, visit For more information on the City’s Parks and Community Facilities Regulations Bylaw No. 2954, 2023, please visit