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City of Pitt Meadows: Harris Road Underpass

City of Pitt Meadows: Harris Road Underpass

City of Pitt Meadows: Harris Road Underpass

The City of Pitt Meadows is reaching out to potentially impacted stakeholders and rights holders to help raise awareness of recent updates regarding the Harris Road underpass, as well as inviting the sharing of any feedback and preferences for the project's future.
On March 28th, Council heard a presentation from the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority that outlined significant affordability challenges related to the Harris Road underpass that is putting the project at risk. The Port Authority has requested that Council commit by mid-April to become a funding partner and provide 25% of the project costs ($49.6 million) to help close the project funding gap. 

The Harris Road rail crossing is one of the busiest crossings in the Lower Mainland and has been identified as one of the top 3% highest risk railway crossings in Canada, with an expected doubling of rail blockages up to 7.5 hours per day by 2030. 

An underpass at Harris Road would provide better emergency response times, improved public safety, greater community connections through more reliable vehicle, pedestrian, and cyclist flow, reduced emissions from idling vehicles, and an overall quality-of-life improvement of the community. The substantial funding request of the City represents a significant departure from the Council's key principles as well as the terms of previously executed agreements between project partners. 

Council would be greatly appreciative of any feedback you may have. Options to submit your feedback and questions include: 

- Online at
- Attend the Engagement & Priorities Committee meeting on Tuesday, April 11 at 7 PM

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