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Introducing "Advocacy in Action": A Platform for Policy and Advocacy Updates

Introducing "Advocacy in Action": A Platform for Policy and Advocacy Updates

Introducing "Advocacy in Action": A Platform for Policy and Advocacy Updates

Welcome to "Advocacy in Action," the Ridge Meadows Chamber's new blog dedicated to informing our members about the critical advocacy and policy work we are undertaking. Our mission is to keep you updated on the latest legislative developments, our ongoing advocacy efforts, and how you can get involved to make a positive impact on our business community.
The purpose of "Advocacy in Action" is multifaceted:
Inform: Provide clear and concise updates on policy changes and legislative developments.
Engage: Encourage member participation in advocacy efforts through action alerts and involvement opportunities.
Celebrate: Highlight our successes and the tangible benefits they bring to our community.
Educate: Share expert insights and perspectives on key issues affecting our members.
At this year's BC Chamber AGM, our CEO, Kristi Maier, actively supported several important policies aimed at improving infrastructure, public services, and business processes in British Columbia. Here are the key policies she championed:
1. Policy #17: Long-Term Infrastructure Plan
2. Policy #18: Protecting Public Transit in BC as an Essential Service
3. Policy #22: Build Capacity for Food Processing in the Agriculture Industry by Modernizing the Agriculture Land Reserve
4. Policy #26: A Balanced Approach to Implementing New Short-Term Rentals Legislation
5. Policy #3: CRA Process - Cost of Ineffective Processes on Business and Management
6. Policy #7: Addressing Community Safety Challenges and Deficiencies in BC’s Response to Toxic Drug Supply
7. Policy #11: Recommendations to Strengthen the Social Service Sector
Through "Advocacy in Action," we aim to provide you with timely updates on these and other important issues, celebrate our progress, and empower you to participate in our advocacy efforts. Together, we can drive positive change and create a thriving business environment in Ridge Meadows.
Stay tuned for regular posts, and join us in our mission to advocate for policies that support our community's growth and prosperity.

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